Harm, Damage, and Death
You suffer harm when taking damage. When you take damage, you compare that to the damage thresholds of your harm. The GM will tell you the type of harm you suffered.
Fatal harm is 13+
Tier III harm is 9–12.
Tier II harm is 5–8.
Tier I harm is 1–4.
The amount of harm you can take in each tier can change as you gain talents, but everyone starts with the following available boxes:
Fatal: 0.
Tier III: 1.
Tier II: 2.
Tier I: 2.
When you take action apply penalties to the roll as appropriate.
Tier III: Disabled You must mark 2 grit and be aided to take action.
Tier II: Disadvantage You have disadvantage on rolls to take action.
Tier I: Lesser effect Your actions are less effective.
If you have to take harm and there are no boxes available to fill, fill a box of a tier higher instead. If you take harm and cannot mark a box, you are doomed.
When your character becomes doomed, and they do not make a death move, they are most likely dead.
When your allies take a look at your body within a few hours of you becoming doomed…
Roll a 2D fortune.
On a critical hit, you strongly gasp as they turn you over and you must explain to everyone how it wasn’t as bad as it looked.
On a strong hit, you are barely breathing and are in dire need of aid. Your grit is set to max.
On a weak hit, you are alive just enough to say some last words.
On a miss, you are dead.