
There are 8 months in the year, with each month having 5 weeks, and each week containing 9 days, for a total of 360 days per year.

There are 24 hours in each day. Each day is split into four

The year contains four seasons, beginning with summer and proceeding to autumn, winter, and then spring. Each month represents the beginning and end of each of the four seasons.

  1. Sunsoar (Early Summer)

  2. Suncrest (Late Summer)

  3. Dewveil (Early Autumn)

  4. Shadeharvest (Late Autumn)

  5. Starwhisper (Early Winter)

  6. Frostgrain (Late Winter)

  7. Bloomgust (Early Spring)

  8. Dunewake (Late Spring)

  1. Duunday

  2. Osiday

  3. Sharday

  4. Karday

  5. Stelday

  6. Kasday

  7. Wirlday

  8. Nirday

  9. Ansday

Time of Day
  • Morning

  • Day

  • Evening

  • Night